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FitLife is pixelart game about studying FIT CTU. Player has last 3 days of the first semester and must find way to pass it.

online version:


The game has been in the making for one year in various lectures. Eight students have worked on the project during development.

Most of us did not even know each other before the project inception. The project started in the third semester of our studies and was led by Ing. Skotnica Marek. We wanted a 2D game with pixel art, like Pokemon. A couple of weeks later, our goal was set: develop a game that reflects how a FIT student feels in the first semester of their studies. Most of the visual part of the game is covered by David Mikulkas Bachelors thesis while SI part, optimization and design patters is main goal of Duc Minh Phams Bachelors thesis.

FitLife was our first big project, and it showed in many lousy development practices. The code was unstable, unsustainable, and a pain to change. However, this was to be expected as we were inexperienced. I will not be blaming anyone in the following critique and subsequent reworking of the workflow and refactoring of the code. These two theses id therefore dedicated to optimizing a finalizing of this game.

